Kambo is a traditional Amazonian medicine that involves the administration of the secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog onto the skin. The frog is known as the "giant leaf frog" and is native to the Amazon rainforest. Kambo has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes such as the Kaxinawa, Amahuaca, Katakana, Kulina, Yawanawa, Matses, Marubo, Nukini, and the Mayoruna, for its purported healing properties.
The science behind kambo is still being studied, but it is known to contain a number of biologically active peptides, including dermaseptin, phyllomedusin, and phyllokinin. These peptides are believed to have a range of health benefits, including pain relief, immune system stimulation, and detoxification.
Kambo is administered through superficial burns on the skin, which are made using an incense stick or vine. The frog secretion is then applied to the burns, and the resulting reaction can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, an increased heart rate, sweating, lightheadedness, etc. Some people also report a feeling of euphoria or heightened awareness.
The benefits of kambo are continuously being studied, but proponents of the practice believe that it can be used to treat a range of conditions, including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and addiction. Some also believe that kambo can help to boost the immune system and improve overall health and well-being.
Pain Relief
Increased Strength & Physical Endurance
Lower Blood Pressure
Reduces Inflammation
Reduces Anxiety
We recommend doing 3 sessions within a 28 day period to receive the most benefits from the secretion. If we are treating chronic or acute illnesses, we can take an intensive treatment approach to best suit your body.
We also offer auricular, meridian, or chakra treatments after you have sat in ceremony for a minimum of 3 times.
Kambo has no known detrimental side effects and is completely safe when responsibly administered. However, there are very few people who cannot receive a Kambo treatment:
•People under 18 years of age.
•Sat with Bufo within the last 4-6 weeks.
•Are pregnant or suspect they may be so.
•Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding babies under the age of 6 months old.
•Anyone with serious heart issues including past heart bypass operations.
•Anyone taking medication for low blood pressure.
•Anyone who has had a Stroke, Aneurysm, Blood clots or Bleeding in the brain
•Lack of the mental capacity to decide to take Kambo
•People taking medication for psychological reasons (except anti-depressants) need to discuss suitability in advance.
•Anyone with a history of psychiatric treatments or serious mental health needs to discuss suitability in advance.
•Anyone taking immune-suppressants for an organ transplant.
•Anyone with Addison’s disease
•Anyone with Severe Epilepsy.
•Anyone recovering from a major surgical procedure.
•Anyone undergoing chemotherapy
Hape is a sacred shamanic snuff that will be offered in your Kambo Ceremony. If used while in Kambo, it is to help clear a blockage or bring on a purge. It is solely your choice if you would like to be served Hape, and we will always ask beforehand.
Sananga is an amazonian eye medicine used on a physical, spiritual, and energetic level. It helps to clear Panama (negative energy) depression, sinusitis, eye infections, and much more. Hunters used this in the forest to have a clearer vision. It can also open up the third eye, clean and expand the aura and balance the chakras.
“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”
— Eckhart Tolle